In Safe Hands

The Voices of Black Britain 

In Safe Hands - The Voices of Black Britain, is a series of exhibitions and documentaries celebrating the Black pioneers in British history.

Chapter 1

The first instalment of the project tells the story of the often neglected voices of Black Britain who served their communities whose culture, tastes and interests were not being catered for by the mainstream, from Calling The West Indies and Caribbean Voices in the 40s/50s to the thriving pirate radio stations in the 80s, to Choice FM in the 90s. 

Through a combination of vox pops, interviews, archive material, sounds, music, and interactive visual imagery, the project brings alive the stories of Black pioneers within British Radio Broadcasting.

The title, on the one hand, comments on how the media industry treats Black creatives and their ideas, often telling them that the audience is too niche for mainstream audiences and thus needs to be handled with care. Or that their stories must be tweaked or told in a way familiar with the industry and not how the artist wants to tell it. On the other, it comments on the current political, social and economic environment that has exposed how Black people are often not in the safe hands of those who are meant to guide, support and care for them.

It hopes to inspire young Black people to create their own spaces within the media industry and celebrate those who have paved the way. It hopes to spark conversations about how we can support and sustain Black British media outlets that will ensure that the stories and ideas of those from the African and African-Caribbean diaspora are indeed In Safe Hands.